Theoretical Computer Science


This page is for listing all techniques applied by the participants of the complexity competitions.

Be aware: the lists are still preliminary.

Derivational Complexity

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Method 20132012201120102009
Arctic InterpretationCaTCaTCaTCaT, TcTCaT, TcT
Match BoundsCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcT
Matrix Interpretation Triangular------TcT (N)TcT (N)CaT (N),
Matchbox (N),
TcT (N)
Matrix Interpretation Non-Triangular CaT (N,R,Q),
TcT (N)
CaT (N,R,Q),
TcT (N)
CaT (N,R,Q), Matchbox (N)CaT (N,R,Q), Matchbox (N)---
Modular (Relative) Complexity AnalysisCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaTCaTCaT
Rewriting Right Hand Sides------------TcT
Root LabelingCaTCaTCaTCaTCaT, TcT
Weight Gap PrincipleCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT

Runtime Complexity

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Method 20132012201120102009
Arctic InterpretationCaTCaTCaTCaTCaT, TcT
Match BoundsAProVE, CaT, TcTAProVE, CaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcT
Matrix Interpretation TriangularAProVE (N)AProVE (N)AProVE (N),
TcT (N)
AProVE (N),
TcT (N)
CaT (N), TcT (N)
Matrix Interpretation Non-Triangular CaT (N,R,Q),
TcT (N)
CaT (N,R,Q),
TcT (N)
CaT (N,R,Q)CaT (N,R,Q)---
Modular (Relative) Complexity AnalysisAProVE, CaT, TcTAProVE, CaT, TcTAProVE, CaTAProVE, CaTCaT
Polynomial InterpretationsAProVE (N),
TcT (N)
AProVE (N),
TcT (N)
AProVE (N)AProVE (N)---
Polynomial Path OrdersTcT (sPOP*)TcT (sPOP*)TcTTcTTcT
Rewriting Right Hand SidesAProVEAProVEAProVEAProVE---
Root Labeling------------CaT, TcT
Weak Dependency PairsTcTTcTTcTTcTTcT
Dependency TuplesAProVE, TcTAProVE, TcTAProVE, TcTAProVE---
Path AnalysisTcTTcTTcTTcTTcT
Weight Gap PrincipleCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTTcT
DG DecompositionTcTTcT---------