Theoretical Computer Science


This page is for listing all techniques applied by the participants of the complexity competitions.

Be aware: the lists are still preliminary.

Derivational Complexity

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Method 20212020201920182017
Arctic Interpretation
Match Bounds
Matrix Interpretation Triangular
Matrix Interpretation Non-Triangular
Modular (Relative) Complexity Analysis
Rewriting Right Hand Sides
Root Labeling
Weight Gap Principle

Runtime Complexity

next year or prev year

Method 20122011201020092008
Arctic InterpretationCaTCaTCaTCaT, TcT---
Match BoundsAProVE, CaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTTcT
Matrix Interpretation TriangularAProVE (N)AProVE (N),
TcT (N)
AProVE (N),
TcT (N)
CaT (N), TcT (N)TcT (N)
Matrix Interpretation Non-Triangular CaT (N,R,Q),
TcT (N)
CaT (N,R,Q)CaT (N,R,Q)------
Modular (Relative) Complexity AnalysisAProVE, CaT, TcTAProVE, CaTAProVE, CaTCaT---
Polynomial InterpretationsAProVE (N),
TcT (N)
AProVE (N)AProVE (N)------
Polynomial Path OrdersTcT (sPOP*)TcTTcTTcTTcT
Rewriting Right Hand SidesAProVEAProVEAProVE------
Root Labeling---------CaT, TcT---
Weak Dependency PairsTcTTcTTcTTcTTcT
Dependency TuplesAProVE, TcTAProVE, TcTAProVE------
Path AnalysisTcTTcTTcTTcTTcT
Weight Gap PrincipleCaT, TcTCaT, TcTCaT, TcTTcTTcT
DG DecompositionTcT------------